The project aims to set up a Network that will allow any Erasmus+ HEI which organizes student exchanges to be part of an online exchange network (a kind of ‘internet’ of participating HEI actors) and therefore exchange its student data with any EU HEI system using the network and vice versa in a secure and efficient way. The project will primarily develop a framework and common standards for interoperability between HEI systems and will produce a prototype, but it will also work out concrete connectors so that the network can be fully tested at the end of the project.

Scope of EWP Network

  • Bilateral agreements between HEIs
  • Range of student data exchange processes:
  • Student exchange applications
  • Nominations
  • Learning agreements
  • Host Transcripts of Records
  • Home Transcripts of Records
  • Arrival/Departure certificates etc …
  • Reporting student data (Mobility Tool)

Opportunities behind EWP Network

EWP is an innovative approach with an unprecedented potential to:

  • link all higher education institutions in an overall electronic network;
  • enable the permanent migration from the paper world to the electronic world of student data;
  • improve efficiency of labour and access to student data across Europe.

IT specialists can follow up the project's development and offer their comments, suggestions or feedback on the EWP Network specifications. You can view the EWP documentation here: